Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Trees, animals, etc in FarmVille

I didn't talk about trees and animals in my last few entries because they simply don't give good bang for bucks. Relative to crops, trees and animals yield less $$$ per time per square. Also, they're a pain to harvest, they don't yield XP (besides the initial Tree Hugger awards), and they're a total pain to do automation farming (see my previous entry on bot-farming).

However, trees look nice, and if YOUR goal of playing the game is to make things pretty, then by all means, plant trees. Having that said, if you must have trees, there are certain trees that are better. The guide here is a pretty good summary. I'm not going to re-type other people's analysis, so go ahead and visit the guide here:
The summary is basically that the only good trees to keep are Acai, Olive, Date, Pomegranate, and Banana trees.

How about animals? Keep all of them UNTIL you get all the 4 ribbons and after that, just keep the horse, goat, and duck. In fact, after you get your ribbons just get rid of the rest because they slow down your Flash engine.

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