Saturday, October 24, 2009

Script for fast bot clicking on Farmville, 8x8 square

I get this a lot: "I downloaded the auto clicking program. How do you use it?" Then I respond: "You first record your mouse clicks, then replay them back." After that, I keep getting people saying "How do you record it? I don't get it."

First, the instructions are for PCs. I don't have one for Mac. Download the Mouse and Key Recorder 6.5 here from Kratronic and install it:

Then you can take the following content and save it as a script, like "Farmville8x8.krc":
"{{' Created at: Oct.23.2009, 11:55       (MKR Version: 6.5 )
{{MessageBox Move to the top corner of your farm and press SPACE
{{SetVarOrigX {{VarGetCursorCoord_X}
{{SetVarOrigY {{VarGetCursorCoord_Y}
{{SetVarDiffX 50
{{SetVarDiffY 24
{{SetVarI 0
{{Label LOOP_I
{{SetVarX {{Calc {{VarOrigX} + ({{VarI} * {{VarDiffX}) }
{{SetVarY {{Calc {{VarOrigY} + ({{VarI} * {{VarDiffY}) }
{{SetVarJ 0
{{Label LOOP_J
{{'MessageBox {{VarX} and {{VarY}
{{Mouse 1, 1, {{VarX}, {{VarY}, 0
{{IncVarJ 1
{{IncVarX -{{VarDiffX}
{{IncVarY {{VarDiffY}
{{If {{VarJ} < 8 ;{{Goto LOOP_J;
{{IncVarI 1
{{If {{VarI} < 8 ;{{Goto LOOP_I;

Load this script in the Keyboard and Mouse Recorder 6.5. Load up Farmville, and zoom out twice so that you can see 8x8 squares in Farmville. Now go back to the Keyboard and Mouse Recorder 6.5 program and press the play button (the triangle). You'll get a prompt asking you to place the cursor on the top side of the farm square and press SPACE BAR. Just place your cursor on the top most square of the 8x8 farm position (right in the middle the farm square), then press SPACE, and voila! It will click all the 64 squares for you.

I now support my family through this website, as crazy as it might seem. Using the script will have saved you a lot of time, and a lot of money that you would otherwise have to pay Zynga (fuel, money, etc). So please help me and help everyone with a gift of $5.00 so that I can continue with hints that save you a lot of time and money.
Click here now

You can use this script to do everything:
  1. Harvest (use the multi-tool before clicking on PLAY)
  2. Plowing (use the multi-tool before clicking on PLAY)
  3. Planting (select the seed you want before clicking on PLAY)
The script should click several times a second, but in case your computer is slow and the clicking rate is slow, you can open up Task Manager, right click on the Recorder.exe executable, and change the priority to Higher Than Normal. This will speed up clicking considerably, on slow computers. If you're interested in BASIC-like scripting, you can write your own scripts. The guide below is pretty useful if you like to program it:

Here's homework to challenge your noggins: write a script that loops and automatically plays for you (all 3 cycles) so that you can Farm while you sleep! Wouldn't that be cool?

Make sure to bookmark this blog and come back often for more hints. Have fun! -Kevin

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